Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting December 4, 2022 @ 2 P.M.
Hendricks County 4-H Complex in Danville Indiana
Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at
Roll uOfficers: President—Mike Summerlot, Vice President.—Nikki Laffoon, Secretary—Crystal Servies Treasure—Rob Smith, Directors: Erin Dearing, Shane Warthan, Bruce Foster, Jerry Lubbenhusen, Diana Hubbard and Becky Brummage
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of May meeting were review, amended (when the Hoosier Classic Judges would be vote on and removed the YQCA would be required for the 2022 National show for youth) and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Rob reported we have $20,577.43. He presented the detailed report for the Hoosier Classic report. The report was review and approved. Detailed report attached to the end of the Minutes.
Committee Reports
Hoosier Classic No Report
State Fair—Numbers from State Fair. Open Show Seniors—359 Juniors—414 Total—773 4-H Seniors—172 Juniors—208 Wethers—49 Total 429
Teena has given the Livestock Officials a heads up about potential overflow because of Nationals in Oregon the 2023.The FFA group that helped exhibitors load out will be back next year to do the same thing. The Schedule and Staging will continue on 38th and 46th Street. Drug Testing will be fixed for next year. The staff was sufficient. The milk dump being moved was muchly appreciated and was much safer. The cleaning crew did a great job keeping the area clean around it.
Youth—Nikki reported that the series is changing the based date for age not May 1st. Age groups will be Juniors 8-12, Intermediate 13-15, Senior 16-21. Packets for the shows will continue. The 2022 winners Juniors—Reagan Arney, Intermediate-Lexie Lanam, Senior—Stella Dearing. The skill-a-thon for the state fair will return in 2023.
By-Laws—Rob would like the membership to review the Bylaws on the website and Comments on what they think needs to be updated from how they exist today. One thing that was brought up that when and where the voting on officers.
New Business:
2023 Hoosier Classic Chairman will be Jenifer Crooks and her co-chairman. A huge thank you to David Ingle and Family for all their years of dedication to the show.
Ballots for the Hoosier Classic Judges and the Number of Rings was passed to the paid membership attending the meeting.
We went around and introduced ourselves and where we were from.
Election of Officers for 2023
President—Mike Summerlot
Secetary—Crystal Servies
Directors—Bruce Foster, Shane Warthan, Erin Dearing
Unfinished Business: None
Board of Directors and Membership Comment—
Card was sent around for Becky Brummage
Steve Hubbard want it to be known that Stella Dearing place 3rd at the National FFA Convention with her Goat Proficiency Project.
The National Show Hotel will fill up fast to make your reservations soon if you plan to attend.
Upcoming Meeting: December 4, 2022 Location to be determined. There will be a $20 gift exchange for the adults and the youth.
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary