Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting February 12, 2023 @ 2 P.M.
Reproduction Speciality Group @ Lebanon Indiana
Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order with a presentation from Liz Straw from the Indiana State Dairy Association on the different DHIA programs and how to properly take samples as to certify testers for the program and ADGA. She also certified scales
Roll Call Officers: President—Mike Summerlot, Vice President.—Nikki Laffoon, Secretary—Crystal Servies Treasure—Rob Smith, Directors: Erin Dearing, Bruce Foster, Shane Warthan, Jerry Lubbenhusen, and Becky Brummage
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of December meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Rob gave the report and It was approved
Committee Reports
Hoosier Classic Jenifer and Bruce gave a update on the show plans. There was some discussion about awards if they want just Best in Show or do we want to have awards for the breed champions. It was determined to try to get sponsorships and have awards for each breed. There was a motion to pay the sanctioning fees for the Beyond the Ring Junior Livestock Association. There were several dairy goat youths that place in the state, region and national level. The
Showman App will be used. Not only will help with entries but can be used for RSVP for the dinner, pay for trailer hook ups, bedding, and penning.
State Fair—Teena has verbal commitment on Open Show Judge. Dairy Goats did not get put into the Supreme Showmanship for 2023. She will try again for 2024.
Youth—The youth committee will be Casey Stearn, Shane Warthan and Debbie Haeberlin. The was a motion to sponsor a table at the March 4 Fulton County 4-H workshop and have someone man the table.
Fall Conference—Brenda Lightner will be co-chairing this
Unfinished Business–None
New Business:
Membership—Discussion was held of what is the benefit of being a member beside the fellowship at the membership meetings and the website. Online forms has helped with membership, Rob suggested the officers meet to talk about this,
Bruce Foster, ADGA District 4 director, reported that in the 4th quarter contains 2 important constitutional amendments online voting and the Executive Director job description. Also the national show judges. Karen Smith is reaching out to state and regional clubs to help sponsor the national show.
The meeting was adjourned.
The youth were guided through udder discection and a craft of goat puppet.
Upcoming Meeting:
February 12, 2023 at Reproductive Specialty Group Lebanon Indiana
March 5, 2023 at Gerkings 6220 S Victor Pike Rd Bloomington IN 47403
April 2, 2023 at Hendricks County Fairgrounds, Danville IN
May 7, 2023 at Johnson County Fairgrounds, Franklin IN
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary