IDGA is focused on developing youth and promoting the dairy goat industry in Indiana and beyond.
From the President
Letter from the President

Letter from the President
February 2022
All the best laid breeding plans now come to fruition! Those senior kids are making their entrance into the world. Another season for hopeful lactations and improved udder attachments.
Winter weather has (finally) arrived in Indiana. Let’s hope the snow and cold zap those pesky flies back into oblivion this year! And speaking of flies…time flies when you are busy in the barn. Be sure to renew your IDGA membership by March 15th to be included in the 2022 online Breeder Directory. Some other upcoming events/dates:
- March 6 – IDGA meeting
- March 30 – Sanction forms due – Indiana Dairy Goat Association Youth Showmanship Points Series
- April 3 – IDGA meeting followed by IDGA Youth Rep presentations and voting
This is a big year for the Hoosier Classic. Our 50th Anniversary! Mark your calendar and plan to attend June 11-12, 2022 for our three ring Junior doe, Senior doe, and Buck show. The committee is working to make this an extra special year – three rings, specialties, youth activities, awesome raffle kids, and more!
I look forward to seeing many of you at IDGA meetings and shows very soon.
October 2021
In my pastures, volunteer pumpkin vines are producing fruit and painting the landscape with dots of orange – small and large. Sounds and smells provide a celebration of fall with crops harvesting and hay safely stacked in the barns for impending winter.
The IDGA Fall Conference was well attended, with useful management presentations including the new VIMCO mastitis vaccine from Pablo Nunez of Hipra, and reproductive technologies and problems/solutions from Dr Rumsey of StockVets. Together we recognized the achievements of our youth who competed in the 2021 Showmanship Series. A recording of the VIMCO Zoom presentation and results from the series are available on our website. We meet next November 6th at NAILE where we will elect three directors and two officers. Our December meeting will be 12/5
Show season is winding down in the Midwest, and we look ahead with anticipation to 2022. New kids, new fresheners, and new learnings are on the horizon. I hope you will include IDGA meetings on your calendar as we promote our youth and grow the dairy goat industry together.
April 1, 2021
April Fools! That’s the message from Mother Nature this time of year. Days of 70’s and sun, then days of 20s and flurries – is it really Spring? The goats are loving the new grass growth, and we watch the lawns for the last possible date to start mowing. The first Indiana dairy goat show is scheduled for just one month away.
Speaking of shows, 2021 looks to be an event-filled year. Hoosier Classic is back on track for June 11-13 in Danville, IN. We are looking forward to great friends, good fun, and lovely goats at this year’s event. Some amazing young-stock has been donated to the Kid Raffle and Auction. Details will be shared as kids and pedigree specifics become available. Follow the show listings on our event page, and the Indiana Dairy Goat Association Facebook page for Indiana show listings.
See you at the shows!
December 2020
Greetings! This is the time of year that the barn settles in for cold and snowy weather. Breedings are nearing completion and milking slows for many. Some are just weeks away from kidding, while others take a well-earned break for a month or so.
My favorite thing this time of year is the anticipation of what is to come. All the careful pedigree planning, studying, and matchmaking are coming together. Excitement of ultrasounds and positive pregnancy tests keep us looking ahead no matter the circumstances of the present.
As we wrap up 2020 (thank goodness!) and look ahead to a new year, plan to join us at IDGA for meetings, trainings, shows and events. Renew your membership if you haven’t already, or sign up for the first time. I look forward to tackling 2021 together!
Benefits of membership:
- Fellowship with other breeders across the state and U.S.
- Herd Recognition including breed raised and buck service available.
- Available Judge’s List and breed/s judged.
- IDGA Members Market free courtesy listing for goat’s milk products.
- Sponsor the Hoosier Classic.
- Sponsor the Fall Conference.
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