Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting May 1, 2022 @ 2 P.M.
Zoom Online & In-Person @ Hendricks County 4-H Complex
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:00p.m.
Roll Call / Attendance:
Officers: President—Brenda Lightner(in person), Vice President—Nikki Laffoon(in person), Secretary—Crystal Servies(in person), Treasure—Rob Smith(zoom), Directors: Becky Brumage(in person), Mike Summerlot (zoom) David Ingle(in person)
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of then April meeting were review and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rob sent a report through Brenda that we have $12,798.52 with two checks out for state fair sanctioning and Hendricks County for the meeting rooms. He will get a check for the sanctioning the Hoosier Classic for the Series. Nikki presented a bill for the pens she bought for the Hoosier Classic Welcome bags
Committee Reports
Hoosier Classic It has been brought to Evy attention that there is that availability of the Recorded Grade Specialty. A motion was made and approved to procure this if it available.
Evy passed a Sign-up sheet for the hospitality table, ring steward relief, specialty photo help, check in help for Friday Night, Saturday Morning, and Sunday Morning.
Welcome Bag-Nikki—She is stuffing 100 bags.
Ring Steward—Bruce and Cary Foster & Jerry Lubbenhausen
Hay/Straw/Shavings—Phase5goatshow.com will be handling this so they need to be added the show bill
Photographer—We are still needing one.
Raffle Kids—Needed LaMancha, Nigrian Dwarf, Oberhasli, and Guernsey
Alpine—Kickapoo Saanen—Keach Manor Nubian—Cobble
Oberhasli—Nikki Laffoon LaMancha—Deana Fritz Sable—JHFarms
Experimental—Mint Leaf
Auction—Will be held in the Show arena
Exhibitor Meal—Will be served by our vendor Available from 5:00-7:00.
50th Anniversary Cake–Becky Sloppy Goat—Jenifer Crooks Mac n Cheese—Nikki Laffoon Green Beans—Diana Hubbard Coleslaw—Servies Plates and Silverware–Ingles
50th Anniversary Presentation and the Auction will held in Hendricks County’s Show arena.
State Fair—Nothing to report
Youth—Nikki reported that the series is moving along. Most of the shows have paid. They will start to work on the skillathon for the state fair. If you know of anybody that would be willing to sponsor a table.
By-Laws—Rob has started organizing older bylaws to give copies to the volunteers by l
New Business:
Hoosier Classic 2023 Judges Voting and the number of ring will take place at the NAILE meeting in November. (Amended at the November Meeting)
Nominating Committee—President and Sec and 3 Directors positions are up for election. Bruce Foster and Mike Summerlot will work on this.
Unfinished Business:
Fall Conference—October 15th 9am start time. Only confirmed speaker is a packed goat. They are working on get speaker. The youth presentation right before Lunch and the morning portion be the youth and the combined youth and adult in the afternoon. This will be a free advent this year.
Website—Mike Summerlot has contacted three different people. He is still gathering information for all of them and will continue to work on this.
Board of Directors Comment—
ADGA Director Bruce Foster There was Directors meeting this week. Laura Warren Hughes took detailed notes during the meeting. Be Kind to the ADGA staff they are not ones that signed up for all the problems.
Dianna Hubbard wanted the youth that YQCA needed to show at the nationals.
Upcoming Meeting: Fall Conference—October 15,2022
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary
Amended November 2022