Membership meeting agenda – 3/7/2021, 2pm
Hendricks County Conference Center, Danville, IN
The gathering began with a presentation on Livestock Guardian Dogs by Tony Lee. Together with his wife and daughter, live on a 180-acre farm that has been in his family since 1855. He is medically discharged from the US Army and works in the tech industry as a day job. Tony runs a working pack of 7 Maremma LGD’s in 3 teams. These teams protect livestock including poultry, goats, and horses. Raising Maremmas for 5 years, Tony and his wife have over 20 years of experience with dogs. His wife has completed formalized professional dog training courses.
Tony got started with LGD’s because of the farm suffering constant, heavy losses at the hands of predators (mainly coyotes and bobcats,) with a 50% attrition rate. They chose Maremmas for their temperament and traits. This breed keeps the property and livestock safe and tends to ‘roam’ less. They are friendlier to ‘strangers,’ as the farm has frequent visitors (friends, cookouts, contractors, etc.)
Contact information for Tony is 512-296-5149, RAKL10376@icloud.com or Facebook Page: Lee Maremma Puppies
Call to Order
Roll Call / Attendance:
Officers: President—Brenda Lightner (in person) Vice President–Steve Hubbard(Zoom) Secretary—Crystal Servies(in person)
Directors: David Ingle(in person), Mike Summerlot(zoom), Erin Dearing(zoom), Becky Brumage(in person), Diana Hubbard(zoom), Jerry Lubbenhusen (zoom)
Web Designer—Carolyn Perkins(in person)
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of the January membership meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
No report.
Committee Reports
State Fair – No Report
Hoosier Classic – David Ingle shared that he needs a person to handle proxy bids for auction kids. Hoosier Classic has also been awarded the Oberhasli Specialty. Becky is working on awards. Crystal Servies went over the basic outline of the premier exhibitor and breeder for the Hoosier Classic. There really needs to a online entry system.
Youth– Final information for the Youth Showmanship Point Series should be out by Mid-March.
Unfinished Business: Jason has contacted Catherine Stromwell and she will sell us one at cost. Discussion was held and it was decide d look at other options. Jason Servies has reached out and Summit Fabrication and they will sell us an aluminum stand at $250
Auction Items—Each Director and Member reach out and get one auction item. Raffle Kids that have Confirmed Nigerian Dwarf Buckling—Cade Cockburn, Nubian—Paul Fox, Sannen Doe—Spinning Spider, Oberhasli Buckling—EchoRun, and LaMancha Doe—KEMCR
Annual Treasury Audit will occur at the April. Confirm that all reports have been submitted to the state.
New Business There is a discussion about getting website updated with a current membership list and 4-H judges list. A discussion about setting up and host a 4-H Judging Training Course was held. Phase 5 Promotion (Carolyn Perkins and Brenda Lightner) will work with Shelly Young.
Discussion was held about what it means to be a member. Examples are Membership Directory, Showmanship Series, Email Communication, 2021 Hoosier Classic Premier Exhibitor and Breeder Please think about things that may be benefits for Members Only.
Board of Directors Comments:
Diana Hubbard wants to advise about the changes made to the National Show youth programs. The national show website has all the new protocol listed.
Shows interested in putting paper copies of show brochures please get to them to us before the April meeting.
Brenda Lightner adjourned the meeting at 4:15 pm
Upcoming Meeting: April 18, 2021 at 2pm There will be a program on Hoof Trimming.
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary
You can view the Zoom recording of the meeting here