Indiana Dairy Association met on Sunday March 1, 2020 at the Communication Building at the Indiana State Grounds in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Officers present are
President—Bonnie Robbins Vice President—Steve Hubbard Secretary—Crystal Servies Treasure—Rob Smith
Directors—David Ingle, Becky Brummage, Diana Hubbard and Brenda Lightner
January meetings minutes were passed out and accepted.
Treasure Report Rob Smith reported balances and accepted. There was some discussion of a CD.
State Fair Report
If you sponsored a trophy for State Fair Show please pay Rob Smith.
Barn Camera Raffle They did not get back with us in time to start and sell tickets
Hoosier Classic
We were awarded the Alpine Specialty
Evy and David Ingle and Teena Spear are cleaning of the wording on the show packet.
Becky Brummage is working on awards. Medals for the Peewee. She has found a limestone plaque in the shape of Indiana, Motion was made and approved for her to move.
Jason Servies is working raffle kids and auction items.
Meal Mike Summerlot—turkey
Bonnie Robbins Meat Ingles – Green Beans Servies – Cole Slaw
Mac and Cheese –?????? Cookies–????????
Evy asked about ordering some blue Sweatshirts. She will get inventory and let us know.
Hospitality table we need to stock it.
Fall Conference
Possible locations and topics and discussed.
Erin Dearing asked to have permission to raffle a quilt at the Hoosier Classic as a fundraiser for their program.
She also asked for permission to do the adult showmanship at the Hoosier Classic as fundraiser also
The motion was made and approved
April will be the Youth Representative presentations and putting the show packet together
Show Chairmen please send 15 copies, electronic copy and a $15 check.
Motion to adjourn was moved and accepted
Submitted by Crystal Servies Secretary