Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting—2 P.M.
Zoom Online
Call to Order
Liz Straw from the Indiana Dairy Association gave a presentation on getting started with DHIR. There were 24 people in the Zoom meeting. Powerpoint and materials are posted on IDGA.net under Resource tab.
Roll Call / Attendance:
Officers: President—Brenda Lightner, Vice President—Nikki Laffoon, Secretary—Crystal Servies, Treasurer–Rob Smith Directors: Jerry Lubbehusen, Becky Brumage, Mike Summerlot and Erin Dearing State Fair—Teena Spear
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of the December membership meeting were review and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rob reported a balance of $14,874.53 with the check for the Hoosier Classic Sanctioning fees still outstanding.
Committee Reports
State Fair – Teena reported that she has verbal confirmation from the Open and 4-H judges with contracts being sent out soon. She has also been in contact with Kelsey Robinson the new person in charge of the entry department and did not see any changes there. She also reported that she is in the process of trying to get the Senior Showmanship winner added to the Supreme Showmanship.
Hoosier Classic – Bruce reported that the Sanctioning paperwork was sent in prior to the January 1st fee increase. A third ring will be added in 2022 and the Judge is Dustin Noble. The show secretaries and ring stewards for all three rings have been arranged. Bruce asked for help in arranging a food vendor, the exhibitor meal, hospitality table, auction/raffle kids, a photographer for Specialties, and hotel arrangements. Jennifer is taking care of the food vendor and seeing what the cost would be for them to organize the exhibitor meal. Jason and Crystal are working on raffle/auction kids and items for the auction. Crystal did ask that if anybody is willing to help gather auction items it would be helpful. Brenda will take care of the hotel arrangements. There was some discussion if there was still a need for the hospitality table. It was tabled and sent back to the committee. Online entries was discussed. Jerry stated that he had talked to David and he is working on a platform. There was some discussion about the need to also still have paper entries for those that still would like to do it that way. In the discussion mailed in entries must be accompanied with a payment to count toward the known numbers to make a breed official. Also no refunds on entries was discussed. Also we have previously had shaving, straw and hay available for sale – Jennifer is willing to take on organizing this. In 2022 the Hoosier Classic wether and doe show will be part of the Beyond the Ring Junior Livestock Association series.
Youth—Nikki reported that she and Erin were working on the showmanship series packets. They are adjusting the age groups (Junior 10-12) and the base date for figuring the age of the participants (May 1, 2022.) They are still working on the Olympics for the State Fair. (No changes in ages or base date will happen for 2022 due to early show sanctions.)
Unfinished Business: None
New Business: A review of the bylaws and constitution. Brenda asked Rob Smith the head this up and he accepted. Anyone interested in assisting let Brenda know and she will get you in contact with Rob.
Board of Directors Comment
Jerry—there is going to be a ADGA Sanctioned Youth Show in Champaign IL the first weekend in May.
Upcoming Meeting: February 5, 2022 2pm zoom meeting
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary