Membership meeting agenda – 1/3/2021, 2pm
Hendricks County Conference Center, Danville, IN
The gathering began with a DHIR certification training by Liz Straw of Indiana State Dairy Association (ISDA.) Training and materials are posted on the IDGA website. Interested individuals who could not attend the live training can review that materials and power point, then contact Liz for quiz and certification.
Call to Order / Comments from President, Brenda Lightner
Meeting called to order at 2:30pm by President, Brenda Lightner. She recognized Carolyn Perkins for developing the new IDGA.net website. Also thanked participants who are attempting our first virtual meeting. Brenda shared that Stella Dearing was hosting a virtual meeting for IDGYA during our meeting.
Roll Call / Attendance:
Officers: President—Brenda Lightner (in person) Secretary—Crystal Servies(in person) Treasure—Rob Smith(in person)
Directors: David Ingle(zoom), Mike Summerlot(zoom), Erin Dearing(in person), Becky Brumage(in person), Diana Hubbard(zoom), Jerry Lubbenhusen (zoom)
State Fair—Teena Spear(zoom) Web Designer—Carolyn Perkins(in person)
November 15, 2020 Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of the Nov 15 membership meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Report presented by Rob Smith. Current balance of $7431.77. Upcoming expense for Insurance. Memberships are coming in. The organization PayPal account is changing, and is anticipated to be active within 2 weeks.
Committee Reports
State Fair – Teena shared that no decision had been made on 2021 schedule. Soon after January 14 Teena will know more. Livestream is still a work in progress depending what the State Fair provides and budget.
Hoosier Classic – David shared that judges are confirmed: Katie Wolf Jackson and Cheryl Landeck. Show Secretaries are secured. The Alpine Specialty has been awarded and application has been made for an Oberhasli Specialty. Crystal Servies will bring proposed guidelines for Permier Breeder selection to the March meeting. She plans to follow the ADGA National Show model. Mike Summerlot will secure Turkey donation for the Saturday meal. Becky Brumage is continuing to work on awards.
Youth- Erin reported the Showmanship Series will take place in 2021. Erin has the application for shows to apply to be part of the series. The information will be available online. The Hoosier Classic will have Youth fitting contest and Adult showmanship. Olympics are in the planning at State Fair. There will be a Management test at the Fall Conference, along with Showmanship Series awards. There was discussion about enhancing the Youth Representative Program. Recommended to prepare a proposal for review and possible changes to 2022 program. The youth asked permission to raffle a quilt at the Hoosier Classic. Motion made and Second. Motion passed.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:
Brenda shared that plans are in the works to secure a speaker / expert on Livestock Guardian Dogs for the March meeting.
Board of Directors Comments:
Becky commented she was glad to see the increased youth participation. She thanked Erin Dearing and Nikki Laffoon.
Rob advised DHI participants to use email for sending documents to Liz, due to negative experiences with USPS deliveries.
Brenda Lightner adjourned the meeting at 3:25pm
Upcoming Meeting: March 7, 2021 at 2pm (If you have a host site you would like to recommend, please contact Brenda.)
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary
You can view the Zoom recording of the meeting here https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/YqFTkeNx7dFgmLsMr5X3WyOX7uIrjQ-bKlZjidukjiqSwQOsYjXj0UDLmNF0lipM.DibmSsmOET7RLXFH?startTime=1609701002000