Indiana Dairy Association met on Sunday January 5, 2020 at the Hendricks County 4-H Conference Center in Danville Indiana. The meeting opened with Liz Straw from the Indiana State Dairy Association holding a certification class for the DHIR program. It was well attended with 40 people in attendance.
Officers present are
President—Bonnie Robbins
Secretary—Crystal Servies
Treasure—Rob Smith
Directors—David Ingle, Becky Brummage, Jerry Lubbenhusen, Diana Hubbard and Brenda Lightner
State Fair Rep—Teena Spear
December meetings minutes were passed out and accepted.
Treasure Report Rob Smith reported balances and accepted.
State Fair Report
Nothing to report
Barn Camera Raffle has been approved and accepted and move forward
Hoosier Classic
Judges are confirmed Robin Saum and Anne McKeever Clagett
Sables will be added to the Sanctioning
Teena is working on the Specialty.
Rotation of the Judges not animals for Rings was discussed. The proposal was approved.
Jason Servies is still working raffle kids.
The idea of a premier exhibitor and premier breeder was presented on being award. The ideas was discussed. $250 for exhibitor and $100 for breeder. Carolyn Arney will help write a program to figure points.
Claire Smith has offered a to donate some director chairs to use as prizes.
State Fair
All the staff is coming back. Teena is looking for a volunteer for Thursday morning.
Any Show that is interested in participating let Nikki and Erin
Nikki reported that they are updating rules.
Motion to adjourn was moved and accepted
Submitted by Crystal Servies Secetary