Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership meeting agenda – 12/5/2021, 3 pm
Tamatha and Bobbie Gerkin’s Home Bloomington Indiana
Call to Order The meeting began with a pitch in meal with 21 people present. President Brenda Lightner called the meeting to order. Thanks to Tamatha for hosting – especially with her wonderful charcuterie board. We went around the room and introduced ourselves by telling our name and how many does left to bred. Bruce Foster was awarded a door prize (Goat energy drink) for the most does left to breed.
Roll Call / Attendance: Officers: President—Brenda Lightner, Secretary—Crystal Servies, Treasurer–Rob Smith Directors: David Ingle, Diana Hubbard, Jerry Lubbehusen, Becky Brumage, and Erin Dearing, State Fair—Teena Spear
Meeting Minutes: Minutes of the November membership meeting were reviewed, and corrections were made then approved. The published version of the minutes will have the account number stricken.
Treasurer’s Report: Rob reported a balance of $14,781.51 2022 membership due and forms are available. Let Teena Spear know if you pay for your $25 State Fair Plaque with your dues.
Committee Reports
State Fair – Open Show Senior – 364 Junior – 451 Total – 815 4-H Show Senior – 160 Junior – 218 Wethers – 48 Total – 426 Show Dates July 28-31, 2022 in the Blue Ribbon Pavilion. State Fair Staff did the health check with a vet on call if there was a question. Penning is tight if the show grows. The wethers were penned ring side to open holding pens during the doe shows. Teena is continuing to work on a better option for the milk dump.
Hoosier Classic – David reported signed contracts are back for both Judges. Teena Spear reported about Specialty. A motion was made and second to apply for Lamancha and Saanen Specialties. Motion Passed. Awards Evy and Becky are both working on awards. They are looking at different pottery options. A motion was made and passed to let them work with the two potters to order the pieces that we need. Evy gave a report on the 50th anniversary shirts. The retail price $15 and the 3xl-5xl $17. We will offer them on the IDGA website for preorders. Sanctioning of Bucks for 2022 will be AOP (Saanen, Guernsey, Toggenburg, and Oberhasli,) Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf, Lamancha, Sable, and Alpine. Sanctioning in 2022 for the does will be 8 breeds (excluding Guernsey,) and Recorded Grade. A Motion and second was made to add a third ring. A vote was taken 6 yes and 5 no. Brenda announced that Jennifer Crooks and Bruce Foster will be assistant chairpersons for the 2022 Hoosier Classic.
Youth—no report. Youth met during the meeting and used ultrasound on bred does.
Unfinished Business:
New BusinessNewly elected District 4 Director Bruce Foster gave a detailed report from the Fall Convention and Board of Director Meeting.
Board of Directors Comment
Upcoming Meeting: January 2, 2022
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary