Indiana Dairy Association met on Sunday December 1, 2019 at the Hendricks County 4-H Conference
Center in Danville Indiana. Officers present are
President—Bonnie Robbins
Vice President—Steve Hubbard
Secretary—Crystal Servies
Treasure—Rob Smith
Directors—Diana Hubbard and Brenda Lightner
State Fair Rep—Teena Spear
November meetings minutes were passed out and accepted.
Treasure Report passed out and discussed and accept.
State Fair Report
Nothing to report
Hoosier Classic
Contracts have been sent and not back yet. Working on the specialty. We need clarification on Buck
Show. Discussion was held to Sanction Alpine and ND and then rest AOP. Put statement in that if
numbers justify, they will be sanctioned separately. Motioned made and passed. Discussion was held
about the judges changing rings and not the animals. This discussion was tabled til next month. Jason
Servies is working Raffle Kids.
Jason Servies will contact Riverwind Barn Camera on a quote for the price of a system.
Web Page
The goDaddy site is been taken down and the domain switched to Host Gator.
Questions–Do we want full contact information on the website
After discussion the membership form will be have options on what people want public.
Do we want minutes on the website? The decision was to have them on the website
Mass emails will be used as meeting reminders.
Other Business
Bonnie would like to set up two committees Membership committee and a fall conference committee
A membership committee to aid in building the membership and find out what they would like for the
Committee Members–Bonnie Robbins, Rob Smith, Crystal Servies, and Carolyn Arney
A fall conference committee to get the agenda and speakers in place
Committee Members–Brenda Lightner Steve Hubbard
The committee would like to have suggested for topics.
Some suggestion to improve meetings was brought. Is an education time prior to meeting?
Discussion was made about getting LIz Straw from the State Dairy Association for DHIA certification
Steve Hubbard has offered if there was a central location, he would do TB testing for those going to
Nationals and it would be a potential fundraiser. It would have to be a like a Thursday and Sunday. It
was table for further discussion.
Mike Summerlot brought the grant and maybe that we need to network to be able to get the grant
money that apply for. We will work on the grant prior to the September deadline
Carolyn Arney has set up Dairygoatworld.com for any show or dairy goat events. One can contact her
through Carolyn@woodsriverfarm.com or the facebook page,
2020 Meeting Dates — If you would like to host a meeting let us know
January 5—State Fair Grounds tentative
March 1
April 5 — Youth Rep Presentation
October 4
November 7 (Saturday)
December 6
Motion to adjore was moved, second, and moved.
Crystal Servies Secetary