Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting May 1, 2022 @ 2 P.M.
Zoom Online & In-Person @ Hendricks County 4-H Complex
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:19 pm.
Roll Call / Attendance:
Officers: President—Brenda Lightner(in person), Vice President—Nikki Laffoon(inperson), Secretary—Crystal Servies(in person), Directors: Becky Brumage(in person), Diana Hubbard ( in person) Mike Summerlot ( in person) David Ingle(in person), Jerry Lubbenhausen(in person), and Erin Dearing(zoom) State Fair—Teena Spear(zoom)
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of then March meeting were review and approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
Rob sent a report through Brenda that we have $12,894.64 with one bill out for the stitching on awards on Hoosier Classic.
Committee Reports
Hoosier Classic Three Rings – Two Specialties (Saanen and LaMancha)
Each day will be starting at 8AM
Welcome Bag-Nikki– Thank you note, sample size soaps, reached out to some companies for product, subway coupon, Thermometers A motions was made and passed to give her $100 to buy things for the bags
Online Entries Platform? David has created a Google Document
Check-In Procedure—What do you need to help with speed and stress. Evy will let us know what they need at the Meeting.
How to tell if paid if payment does not accompany paper entries? Cash/Check/PayPal
Paying at the show? How do you keep people from signing up and not bring what they are sign up 10 and they only 2. Do we charge for the 10? Diana did bring up that we may have to go to like the showman. Bailey brought up that the credit card fee can be charged to the exhibitor or the organization
PayPal Conformation Printed Screenshot? Check # on form
Hay/Straw/Shavings—Jenifer is working on it. It will be noted on the entry form that if you need them let her know.
Hospitality Table and Judges Meals – running a tab the vendor
Individual Bottles of Water
Snacks—Sign Up Sheet for Bringing Items?
Food Vendor—Will be available Friday Night?
Hotel for Judges
Photographer—Flip Folders for Specialities—Brenda
No one is assigned.
Ring Stewards X 3 Jerry, Bruce, Erin, Jason
Gate Check in X 3
Raffle Kids—Needed LaMancha, Nigrian Dwarf, Oberhasli, and Guernsey
Alpine—Kickapoo Saanen—Keach Manor Nubian—Cobble
Togg—Judy Smith Sable—JHFarms Experimental—Mint Leaf
Auction Items—JR Webb with be the auction. Does not have to be Goat or farm related. If you would like it then maybe someone else will too!!
Exhibitor Meal—How many to cook for? We ran out last year
Available from 6:00-8:00 We have someone help heat the meal and to oversee the tables.
50th Anniversary Cake–Becky
Other Donation to Meal? Last year was Signed up at the May Meeting
Sloppy Goat– Mac n Cheese– Green Beans– Coleslaw–
T-shirts—Dead Line to order is the First of Sunday May 1st. Evy one order has received one order with another in the mail. Order forms and checks payable to IDGA. How many to order to have on hand to sell at the show. Order 4 extra Adult Small – 2Xl. Neon shirt will be ordered for the Staff
50th Anniversary presentation at the Meal
Scavenger Hunt for the kids will be organized by Jenifer
State Fair Entry Books are out. The Open Judge will be Don Bergefeild. There is a new traffic pattern and we will have to follow directions or they will be sending you back to 46st to start over.
Youth—Series–Erin is working getting the information together to get it on the website. Within the week.
Skillathon–Nikki is working getting table sponsors.
New Business:
Hoosier Classic 2023 Judges Voting and Director Nominations for ADGA.
Unfinished Business:
Fall Conference—We have a proposal from a group at the Indiana Wesleyan. They have an open Saturday October 15th which is different than our normal Sunday. We would have the students involved ag and area enthusiasts would be able to help. A motion was made and passed to pursue this opportunity.
Website—Everything that has been given to Brenda are up to date on the website. Contact information can be added. If a show has a URL or Facebook page
Minutes from the 3/8/2022 Board of Directors were read and approved. Deb Macke was contacted and was not available to take on this project.
Mike Summerlot would like to see three proposals and would like to see Carolyn be one of the proposal. He has contacted the Information System Department of Indiana State University.
Nikki and Erin are talking about creating a youth page that they would keep that updated without causing excessive cost of updates. Brenda bundles things so that we do not get excessive hourly charges.
Board of Directors Comment—
ADGA Director Bruce Foster reported that stamped Duplicate from February 2021 will be valid through September 2022
LA Postal Ballot The goats be LA’d will no longer be measured. The will be coded for under or over height.
The youth portion of the national convention will be the first weekend.
A question of when will see show wins and milk records be loaded into NG. The town hall meetings are recorded so you can go back and review. Is subscriptions going to be part of NG. There is an inhouse programmer working on things.
Upcoming Meeting: April 3, 2022 2pm In person and zoom meeting. In person meeting location to be determined.
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary