Indiana Dairy Association met on Sunday November 15, 2020 at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville, Indiana.
Officers that were present
President—Bonnie Robbins Secretary—Crystal Servies Treasure—Rob Smith
Directors—David Ingle, Becky Brummage, and Brenda Lightner
January meetings minutes were passed out and accepted.
Treasure Report Rob Smith reported balances and accepted.
State Fair Report
2020 Modified State Fair 4-H show–84 exhibitors 54 seniors 52 juniors 32 wethers.
Livestreaming would approximately cost $2500. Tina is looking into actual cost. The photographer Things to look at in the future. More tablets to do check in at the pens. The number of animals each exhibitor would be able to enter.
Possibilities of moving Pros—It would be before school starts. Disinfection would not have to be done. Sheep barn. Be able to attend other State Fairs. Would not have to deal with the draft horse.
Cons—all pens would have to be put back together. Some County fairs could have conflict. National ends only 6 days before Introduce it to the scheduling committee and see where it goes
Hoosier Classic
We were re-awarded the Alpine Specialty. Discussion about a secondary specialty. Talk of one person in charge of each specialty. Crystal Servies made the motion that we apply for the Oberhasli specialty Evy Ingle second. Motion passed. Becky Brummage is working on the awards. Medals for the Peewee. She has found a limestone plaque in the shape of Indiana, Discussion about additional ring for 2022. Crystal Servies will bring the guidelines for a premier breeder guidelines to the January meeting.
Erin Dearing approached the membership about hosting a fitting contest on Friday night. Evy made the motion and Motion passed.
Jason Servies will working Raffle Kids.
UltraSound Machine and 50/50 raffle was discussed.
The Showmanship Series will go on in 2021 as long as show season goes on.
She also asked for permission to do the adult showmanship at the Hoosier Classic as fundraiser also
The motion was made and approved
Nominations were opened for President. Brenda Lightner was nominated. Bonnie Robbins was nominated.
Brenda Lightner was elected.
Crystal Servies was nominated and elected Secretary
Directors that was nominated
David Ingle, Mike Summerlot, Erin Dearing, Carolyn Perkins, and Jenifer Crooks.
David Ingle, Mike Summerlot, and Erin Dearing was elected.
Submitted by Crystal Servies Secretary