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About Us

Our Goals Include

Promote the breeding of quality dairy goats
Educate the public of the value of the dairy goat industry
Educate our membership in all phases of dairy goat husbandry
Promote and encourage the exhibition of dairy goats in the state of Indiana
Develop youth interest in goats and knowledge of goat production

Thank you to our Officers

Meet our IDGA Officers, Directors and Chairs


Mike Summerlot
Current term: 2023 & 2024

Vice President

Nikki Laffoon
Current Term: 2024 & 2025


Crystal Servies
Current Term: 2023 & 2024


Rob Smith
Current Term: 2024 & 2025


Stella Dearing
Current term: 2023 & 2024


Becky Brumage
Current Term: 2024 & 2025


Jerry Lubbehusen
Current Term: 2024 & 2025


Diana Hubbard
Current Term: 2024 & 2025


Current term: 2023 & 2024


Erin Dearing
Current term: 2023 & 2024

IN State Fair Rep

Teena Spear
Term: As Appointed

Hoosier Classic Chair

Jennifer Crooks
Term: As Appointed

Social Media Director

Alexandra Park
Term: As Appointed

Web Director

Carolyn Perkins
Term: As Appointed

Complete Officer Description

1. Shall be elected every 2 years at the regular voting time for all other officers in even numbered years for a 2 year term.

2. Shall preside at all IDGA membership and Board of Director meetings.

3. Shall conduct all meetings in an orderly fashion. Robert’s Rule of Order shall be used in the conduction of all meetings.

4. Shall give copies of Job Descriptions and Constitution and By Laws to all newly elected officers, board of director members, and committee chairmen at the time said persons are elected.

5. Shall send the website editor a “President’s Letter” to be published on the website mentioning upcoming events and activities.

6. Shall have the deciding vote in the case of a tie on any motion being voted on by either the membership or the Board of Directors. This is the only time the President may vote, unless he/she turns the gavel over to the Vice President.

7. Shall appoint committees as follows such as: Audit; Youth; State Fair Rep, Hoosier Classic. Special committees may be appointed by the president for execution of such duties as he/she may direct and each special committee shall be effective until its final report has been given.

8. Shall have at least one Board of Directors meeting per year. Purpose of said meeting shall be to get input from Directors on any subject pertaining to IDGA and/or its members. It’s suggested that said meeting be held either before or after a regular IDGA membership meeting.

9. Shall call a Board of Directors meeting if situation arises that needs immediate attention and cannot wait until the next membership meeting.

10. Shall give a full report of any and all Board of Directors meetings to IDGA members at the next regular membership meeting.

11. Shall represent IDGA and IDGA members in an honest, fair and truthful manner.

12. Shall represent IDGA at Dairy Goat functions if requested and if possible.

13. The president will be responsible for turning all files and pertinent information over to the new president when a new one takes over.

1. Know Robert’s Rules of Order.
2. Have an agenda prepared for each meeting.
3. Work closely with all other IDGA officers, members of the board of directors and committees.

1. Shall be elected in odd numbered years at the regular voting time for all other officers for a two year term.

2. Shall preside at membership and/or board of director meetings in the absence of the President.

3. Assist President upon request.

4. Attend all Board of Director meetings.

5. Shall be responsible for getting information about all IDGA sponsored shows and special functions listed in all Dairy Goat publications and in any other publications that he/she see fit, by approval of majority of members at a regular meeting or by majority of directors at any meeting.

5. Shall represent IDGA at Dairy Goat functions upon request and if possible.

1. Attend all IDGA meetings.
2. Know Robert’s Rules of Order.
3. Consider running for president in future elections.

1. Shall be elected in even numbered years at the regular voting time for all other offices for a two year term.

2. Duties are:

  • Recording of IDGA minutes at all IDGA membership meetings.
  • Recording of IDGA minutes at all IDGA Board of Director meetings.
  • Present previous months edited minutes at IDGA meetings.
  • Make corrections to said minutes when necessary.
  • Answering IDGA correspondence.

3. Minutes shall consist of:

  • Place and date of meeting.
  • Count of members attending meeting.
  • Names of persons making and seconding motions.
  • Results of voting on motions. No names of judges being considered for any IDGA sponsored show nor monies being paid to said judges shall be published in the edited minutes.
  • No financial reports shall be published in the edited minutes.

4. Corrections and additions to previous minutes shall be recorded and published in the minutes being taken at the time the corrections and or additions are made.

5. The secretary shall submit to the website editor an edited version of the minutes within five (5) days of the last Association meeting.
Edited means that no financial reports nor names of judges being considered for shows will be printed in the newsletter.

6. The secretary shall keep a copy of the non-edited and the edited association minutes in a three-ring binder.

7. Copies of the association minutes will be available for use by the Board members or any member of the association upon request. Requesting party stands all costs of this service.

8. If the secretary cannot attend a meeting he/she will notify the President in time for him/her to assign someone else to record the minutes.

9. If resignation by the secretary becomes necessary, the secretary will agree to record the minutes of one more meeting (if possible) to allow the association time to elect a new secretary.

10. The secretary will be responsible for turning all files and pertinent information over to the new secretary when one takes over.

1. Shall be elected in odd numbered years at the regular voting time for all other officers and for a two year term.

2. Shall keep accurate accounts in a ledger and give monthly reports of finances at scheduled regular membership meetings.

  • President to be given copy of all financial reports, including but not limited to: monthly, yearly, and show reports.

3. Shall upon taking office notify Government tax offices and ADGA of name and address change.

4. Shall assist audit committee in having books audited and closed for the year before January 1st. Year end financial report to be given at January meeting . Have available extra copies of the year end report for those members wanting a copy.

5. Shall either prepare or have prepared Indiana income tax forms. Treasurer is responsible for being sure that tax form(s) is complete and mailed by May 15th each year.

6. Shall fill out forms yearly and send appropriate fees for non-profit status to Secretary of State.

7. Pay dues to associations that IDGA belongs to:

  • Life member of ADGA-no dues to be paid
  • Pay any other dues or fees relating to IDGA’s membership in organizations that IDGA members have elected to join.

8. Pay insurance by January 30th of each year.

9. Keep accurate financial records on all shows sponsored by IDGA.

  • All expenses and income to be itemized.
  • Give financial reports on shows by the November meeting. Have available copies for those members wanting a copy.
  •  Copy of financial report to be given to show chairman * Have available extra copies of show report for those members wanting a copy.

10. Keep accurate records of all members and dues paid by members.

  • Present a complete list of all paid-up members to the website editor in February for publishing in the March newsletter.
  • President to be given list of paid up members before each meeting.

11. Pay all bills in a timely manner.

12. Follow association mandates for voting on all ADGA ballots. Must do this accurately and in time for deadlines. Must bring it to the members’ attention that ADGA ballot is coming up and request directions on how to vote.

13. Responsible for turning all records and pertinent information relating to finances and memberships over to new treasurer when one takes over.

1. Shall be elected every 2 years (3 in odd numbered years, 3 in even numbered years) at the regular voting time for all other officers for a two year term.

2. Shall attend all IDGA membership meetings and Board of Directors meetings.

3. A member of the Board of Directors is considered a representative of IDGA’s members. He/she shall vote at Board of Directors meetings as he/she feels and thinks the members want. If at all possible he/she should make an effort to see how IDGA members feel about situations that he Board of Directors will be discussing and voting on.

4. Be knowledgeable about the events and happenings concerning IDGA and IDGA members.

5. Represent IDGA and IDGA members in an honest, fair and truthful manner.

6. Assist the officers and member of IDGA whenever requested to do so.

1. Get to know as many IDGA members as possible as well as their feelings, needs and wants concerning IDGA.

1. Shall be appointed by the president for an unlimited term.

2. Shall note all complaints, requests and suggested book (rule) changes form Association members pertaining to Fair shows-both Open and 4-H.

3. Make a list of request, complaints, changes in books and judges to present to Barn Director and First Assistant. List of request, complaints and changes in books must be presented to association members and voted on and approved before presenting to barn director.

4. Present lists of requests, complaints, and suggested changes in books to barn director and entry department secretary and first assistant.

5. If possible set up a meeting with the barn director and first assistant to go over lists of request, complaints and changes. Notify association members of time and place of meeting so that any member wishing to attend may do so.

6. Make sure all additions and corrections get printed in the fair books. This is done by:

  • Keeping in contact with entry department secretary.
  • Proof reading the book.
  • Phone calls to the entry department secretary.
  • A meeting with the entry department secretary is suggested.

7. Work with and for association members and officers and fair exhibitors in making the state shows rewarding and enjoyable for all.

8. Coordinate trophy sponsors-this includes:

  • Checking with past sponsors to see if they will continue to sponsor. If not, finding replacement sponsor(s).
  • Make sure trophy sponsor’s name, herd name, city where they live and trophy they are sponsoring appears in the books.
  • Collect money from sponsors and see to it that the trophies are ordered-including ones sponsored by IDGA.
  • Make sure all trophies not sponsored by state are on hand when needed.

9. Responsible for turning all files and pertinent information over to the new representative when one takes over.

1. Attend as many IDGA meetings as possible in order to know the wants and needs of exhibitors.

2. Proof read book when you receive it and make note of any changes that might have not gotten corrected, new items that might not have gotten put in the book or any mistakes that might appear.

3. Take notes at State Fair of suggestions or complaints.

4. Talk to exhibitors and ask for suggestions or concerns.

5. Assist in finding solutions to any problems that may come up at the show.

6. Report to membership the results of meetings with barn director.

7. Bring book errors to attention of First Assistant along with suggested solutions to these errors.

1. Shall be appointed by the president for an unlimited term.

2. Shall be responsible for getting judges for the upcoming year’s show.

  • Preferences for judges shall be obtained from IDGA members at the May membership meeting for the following years show.
  • Attempts to get judges on the list in numerical order shall be made, keeping in mind cost and expenses of the judges.
  • Responsible for sending contracts to the judges.
  • Contracts shall contain all costs and all services IDGA is to provide. Costs would be judging fees, airline or mileage costs, meals, motels, and etc.
  • Responsible for either picking judges up at airport or getting them to their hotels or having someone else do so. Also for getting judges from hotel to fairgrounds.
  • Responsible for seeing that judges have motel reservations, meals and refreshments during the show.

3. Responsible for securing doe kid for raffle.

4. Responsible for setting up committees and making sure those committees are functioning as they should.


  • Announcers Auction Hay & straw to sell and Shavings for holding pens.
  • Hospitality Table.
  • Pen set up-including holding pens and pen assignments.
  • Publicity-Vice President shall always be Chairman of this committee.
  • Raffle Tickets.
  • Ring Stewards.
  • Star Milk Competition-includes hiring milk tester and verifying that milk competition is sanctioned with ADGA.
  • Trophies.
  • Show secretary responsible for applying for ADGA sanctioning.
  • Show secretary responsible for getting pre-paid entry fees to
  • IDGA treasurer for deposit within 7 days of receiving said fees.
  • Show secretary shall keep detailed records of pen fees, entry fees (both pre-paid and late) number of animals entered, and entry fees for milk competition.
  • Show secretary shall present financial reports on shows by the November meeting and have extra copies available of the show reports for those members wanting a copy.

5. Responsible for updating Hoosier classic entry form and getting to the IDGA website editor to be posted by the deadline set by the editor.

6. Responsible for keeping an updated mailing list for the Hoosier Classic.

7. Make sure judges have bucket of water and towels at ring side to wash their hands.

8. Make sure sound system is hooked up and working.

9. Reserve fairgrounds for the following year upon completion of shows. A change of location requires IDGA club approval.

10. Responsible for turning all files and pertinent information over to the new chairman when one takes over.

Keep in constant contact with committee chairmen to be sure they are doing their jobs.
Contact judges 2 to 3 weeks prior to show to be sure their plans are still the same.