Indiana Dairy Goat Association
Membership Meeting January 8, 2023 @ 2 P.M.
Hendricks County 4-H Complex in Danville Indiana
Elizabeth Straw from the Indiana State Dairy Association (ISDA) gave a presentation on DHIR program and the certification involved and certified scales for milk testing.
Call to Order
The Meeting was called to order at 2:45
Roll Call Officers: President—Mike Summerlot, Vice President.—Nikki Laffoon, Secretary—Crystal Servies Treasure—Rob Smith, Directors: Erin Dearing, Bruce Foster, Shane Warthan, Diana Hubbard and Becky Brummage
We went around the room and introduced ourselves with our names, our herd names and breeds that we raised.
Meeting Minutes:
Minutes of November meeting were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Rob reported we have $20,745.87. Rob is working Carolyn on getting an online membership form. Jeff and Rob will get together and do an audit of the books. The report was approved
Committee Reports
Hoosier Classic Bruce and Jenifer reported. Jenifer has a food vendor locked for Friday Night thru Sunday Afternoon.
Becky Brummage working on the Awards. We have been awarded Sable Specialty. The Showmanship App will be used.
Not only will this allow us to have online entries, it would let us RSVP for the meal so we had enough food available, trailer hooks up can be paid for ahead of time, penning arrangements can be made, bedding, straw, hay for sale. Working on the breed breakdown. The hospitality
State Fair—Teena has verbal commitment on Open Show and 4-H Judges. Dairy Goats did not get added for the 2023 Supreme Showmanship.
Youth—Nikki reported that they are working on their own webpage. They are adding points to the series for attending workshops and meetings.
There was a discussion held about Youth Representative position. It was decided that the prize would be increased to $300 for the Representative and $150 for the runner up. There would be a committee appointed by the President that would be updated the presentations requirements to today’s technological abilities, the create a list of requirements that are expected of them after award the positions and would determine the Youth Representative and Runner Up. The idea of a separate scholarship was tabled.
Fall Conference—Brenda Lightner will be co-chairing this
Unfinished Business–None
New Business:
By-Laws—There was discussion about when and where to vote for the slate of officers. A motion was made and passed to have the slate of officers presented at the May meeting and have online options and in voting at a short business meeting at the fall conference. There was also discussion held, a motion was made and passed to continue to have a business meeting at NAILE on Saturday.
Membership—Discussion was held of what is the benefit of being a member beside the fellowship at the membership meetings and the website. There were some ideas for a discount at the Hoosier Classic, bring back the show bill/packet, a newsletter whether printed or online and a members only area on the website.
The meeting was adjourned and a Christmas gift exchange was held.
The youth did ana activity of discecting an udder and making some puppets craft by Erin Dearing and Nikki Laffoon.
Upcoming Meeting:
January 8, 2023 at Hendricks County 4-H Complex Center—Speaker Elizabeth raw from ISDA about DHIR
February 12, 2023 at Reproductive Specialty Group Lebanon Indiana
March 5, 2023 at the Gerkin’s Family 6220 South Victor Pike Road Bloomington, In 47403
April 2, 2023 at Hendricks County Fairgrounds Danville Indiana
May 7, 2023 at Johnson County Fairgrounds Franklin Indiana
Submitted by Crystal Servies, Secretary